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About Ramona Martinez

Ramona Martinez's journey is deeply rooted in the values of New Mexico. Growing up on her family's ranch in Tierra Amarilla, she learned the importance of community, hard work, and integrity early on. These lessons, instilled by her upbringing and reinforced by her education, have guided her through an illustrious career in public service and private practice.

A scholarship to the University of New Mexico opened doors to a world of opportunity, where Ramona distinguished herself as a Presidential Scholar. Her passion for justice and equity was not just academic; it was personal and deeply woven into the fabric of her being. Ramona's educational journey did not end with awards; it was further enriched by earning her Juris Doctor from the University of New Mexico School of Law, marking the beginning of a dedicated career advocating for the rights and welfare of New Mexicans.

Professional Journey and Community Engagement

Her dedication to serving the public defines Ramona Martinez's career. She has served in leadership roles, including the NM Border Authority, the NM Sentencing Commission, the New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association, and the New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. Through these roles, she's shown a clear focus on making a difference in her community, tackling challenging issues head-on, and working hard to improve the justice system in New Mexico.

Her recognition, including the prestigious Contract Defender Award from the Law Offices of the Public Defender in 2022, attests to her dedication and impact in defending those in need. Beyond her professional achievements, Ramona has been a vital part of her community as a Las Cruces Junior League member and serving on Governor-Elect Michelle Lujan Grisham's Transition Team for the Department of Corrections.

Why I am Running

I've been helping New Mexicans navigate the justice system and access government services for over twenty years. I've been at the forefront of fighting for victims of crime, pushing for criminal justice reform, and defending people's rights. Running for District Attorney in the 3rd Judicial District of Doña Ana County is a natural extension of my life's work. I'm committed to putting the community first, improving public safety, and bringing back strong leadership, accountability, and transparent ethics to the District Attorney's office.

Vision for the Future

I see the District Attorney's office not just as a place for prosecuting crimes but as a pillar of the community's trust in our criminal justice system. I advocate for a balanced approach to crime, emphasizing the need for a community-wide effort to address the underlying causes of criminal behavior while also ensuring the prosecution of violent crimes, property crimes, and domestic violence cases.

My plan involves:

  • Prioritizing support for victims.

  • Boosting public safety.

  • Creating a culture of accountability and ethical transparency in the DA's office.

I am dedicated to rebuilding the community's trust in our justice system, promoting effective reforms, and guiding Doña Ana County toward a future that is both safer and more just.

Putting People First in the District Attorney’s Office

Some may distrust the criminal justice system because of the current prosecutorial response.  When prosecutors fail to engage with the community, they come to view the people they serve simply as problems to be managed and cases to be processed. We deserve better.  As District Attorney I will make every effort to restore community engagement to personalize our crime problem and I will invite the public to become active participants in the effort to build safer lives for themselves, their families, and friends. I will work on creating valuable relationships with our school systems, public housing authorities, healthcare providers, mental health providers, community-based organizations, and our university. I will work to eliminate power imbalances based on cultural differences and will work with those who advocate for the underrepresented (e.g., diverse racial, ethnic, and LGBTQ+ communities).  I understand that community engagement promotes understanding and a spirit of cooperation and problem-solving and develops a shared vision to promote public safety.

Domestic Violence

I am running for DA because of my own personal life experiences with domestic violence.  Victims of domestic violence deserve empathy and respect.  Prosecutors have a professional duty as prosecutors, advocates, and legal staff to become well-versed in trauma.  Survivors of domestic violence are more likely to engage throughout the investigation and court process if trauma-informed practices are implemented.  As professionals and as a community, we need to recognize the widespread impact of trauma, the signs and symptoms of trauma, and learn about pathways to recovery.  As District Attorney, I will ensure that trauma-informed practices are implemented in my office because victims of domestic violence and their experiences should be prioritized to effectively hold abusers accountable.

I will restore accountability and consequences to the criminal justice system in Doña Ana.  Violent and repeat offenders will no longer be allowed to victimize the citizens of Dona Ana without consequence.  I will use all resources and strategies at my disposal to reduce the harm visited on victims and their neighborhoods.  However, it is important that we address violent crime by strategically identifying and collecting information to identify truly recurring violent crime problems in our community that demand our focused attention. 

Violent and repeat offenders will be prioritized and held accountable through prosecution and deterrence.  Resources for prosecution for these types of offenders will be prioritized.  Swift revocation of plea deals and those out on conditions of release ensures there is increased accountability and an understanding for those who continue to offend that they will be held accountable for their actions.  

District Attorneys have the unique ability to influence the cooperation of criminal justice professionals and community leaders in creating and implementing a coordinated, effective, and sustainable plan to reduce violent crime. I will ensure that community leadership and engagement is restored to the District Attorney’s office and create a dialogue, and work with all stakeholders to successfully plan and implement strategies for responding to violent crime and improving community safety demands.  

I will restore trust and working relationships with all law enforcement agencies to ensure that we are working as a team and to ensure that each agency is supported through training and given the resources they need.  

Violent Crime

Smart Criminal Justice Reform

We cannot lock up all our problems.  Smart reform with evidence-based solutions is absolutely necessary to ensure that justice is fairly executed for all New Mexicans.    The criminal justice system cannot fix all our problems, and it cannot solve all our problems on its own.  We all know that drugs, mental illness, and homelessness correlate with crime, and the district attorney has the ability and the power to address those issues through its prosecutorial power.  

Through my professional experience and legal practice, I recognize the interrelationship of the criminal justice system with other important community institutions, such as the healthcare system, schools, businesses, and social service agencies and organizations. I’ve seen first-hand how these institutions could work together to benefit and change a person’s life in the criminal justice system.  I’ve also seen first-hand when these institutions fail to work with one another to the detriment of justice.   Each of these institutions have a stake in community safety, and I will ensure that their interests and their contributions will be joined in my continued fight for smart criminal justice reform.  

I will bring forth pretrial diversion programs as another tool to ensure accountability for criminal conduct, to protect the public by reducing rates of recidivism, to conserve prosecutive and judicial resources, and to provide opportunities for treatment, rehabilitation, and community correction.   

Recruitment and Training

The most valuable resource in any prosecutor’s office is its staff — prosecutors, investigators, and victim-witness advocates, administrative and support staff.  I will implement and identify training opportunities related to the investigation and prosecution of violent crime, mental health, and addiction issues, ensure that all prosecutors, investigators, and victim– witness advocates who work with victims of violent crime have had training in trauma-informed response.  I will establish criteria to triage cases for the purpose of concentrating more resources on the most dangerous offenders and locate sources for recruitment of diverse candidates for prosecutor and investigator positions in my office.